Report a problem on a road or pavement
You can report non-urgent issues online including:
- street light faults
- potholes
- drainage
- traffic signal faults
- damage to bus stops (poles/timetables)
- overgrown vegetation (including hedges and grass)
- information about roadworks.
How to report a problem
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How to report a problem on a road or pavement - video transcript
To let us know of problems on our roads and pavements, use our reporting tool. You can plot the issues using a map, an address, or What3Words.
If you have any visual impairments or use a screen reader, we would recommend using the address lookup.
Problems we don't manage
If you have a problem with:
- a bus shelter, fly-tipping, litter, parking or street cleaning, contact your district council
- motorways or major A roads, contact National Highways
- a public right of way, public bridleway, restricted byway, or byway open to all traffic report it to our Public Rights of Way Team.
For junction improvements, new signs, lines, traffic calming measures or speed changes, contact your community representative.
Out of hours emergencies
To report any emergency issues outside of normal office hours (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm), call 03000 41 91 91.
What we do after you report a problem
Once we assess your enquiry, we will take the appropriate action. We aim to fix:
- dangerous faults within 2 hours
- safety hazards within 7 days
- routine faults such as streetlights, potholes and soft landscape issues within 28 days, unless there is a more serious problem which could take longer
- traffic signals within 4 hours if they are urgent or within 7 days if less urgent
- drainage maintenance within 90 days if the enquiry meets intervention requirements
- drainage investigations of defects or repeated flooding to be inspected within 28 days of referral to an engineer, who will perform a risk assessment to determine whether further work is required
- all other faults will be scheduled in to our planned maintenance.