Contact our special educational needs and disability (SEND) teams

Before you contact us

Our SEND Information Hub has lots of information to support you. You can find help whether it's related to:

SEND Enquiries Hub - making it easier to get in touch

If you can't find what you're looking for on our SEND Information Hub, don't worry we can help you with:

  • general SEND enquiries
  • our processes
  • local resources and support
  • updates to your child's ongoing assessment or annual reviews for EHC plans.

We can also pass on information to your child's allocated caseworker or team.

Contact us

We aim to help you as quickly as possible. However, it can sometimes take a little longer to get back to you during our busy periods. If you don't want to create an account that's okay. Simply click 'continue without an account' to complete the form.

Contact the SEND Enquiries Hub Team

Or, call our contact centre on 03000 41 99 94 (Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm) who will take your enquiry and pass it on to the SEND Enquiries Hub Team.

We have many dedicated teams who understand that your family's needs are different to someone else's.

Over time different teams and groups will contact your family depending on your child or young person's needs.

Learn about our teams and when they may contact you.

Have you read our improvement plan for SEND in Kent (Accelerated Progress Plan)? It sets out the work we're doing to rapidly improve support for children, young people, and families over the next 12 months. Take a look and read our Accelerated Progress Plan.

Eligibility and applications

The Home to School Transport team can support you with :


If your circumstances change, for example if your child changes school or address, please complete our change of details form.

Journey, operator or driver issues

Contact the Client Transport Team if you have any problems with your child's:

  • journey
  • vehicle
  • driver
  • company running the transport service


Parent support

Parent support groups are there to support you and to provide impartial and confidential advice. Some parent support groups that can support you are:

  • Information, Advice and Support Kent (IASK) - a free, confidential, impartial service who support you and your family. They also offer parent workshops and local events.
  • Kent PACT - a parent carer forum for parents, children and young people with disabilities. Join their forum to help get your voice heard and meet other parents.

Or visit our parent support page for activities, training, sibling support plus much more!


There are also charities that will provide support to both the parents and carers as well as the children and young people with SEND.

Find a charity in your local area:

Or why not visit our local directory to find local charities and community groups.

Short breaks

Short breaks can give you a break from caring for your disabled child or young person.

Other teams in SEND

Alternatively find out more about our teams within the SEND service and NHS, including:

  • Local Inclusion Forum Team (LIFT)
  • Portage
  • Specialist Teaching and Learning Services (STLS).

Learn about our teams and when they may contact you.

School or college

If you are unhappy with how your child's school or college is meeting your child's needs, you should speak to your school first and then your named case worker if you have one.

If you are still unhappy, follow our schools complaints procedure.

SEND services

If you are unhappy about any of the services that we provide, we recommend you speak to the person you have been dealing with or your named case worker if you have one.

If you are still unhappy, follow our complaints procedure.

If you don't agree with a decision we've made, find out who to speak to and how to pursue mediation and your right to appeal.

Health services

When using services provided by the NHS you should know your rights.

Every person receiving treatment should have the final say over the decisions that are affecting their health.

If you are not happy with the health services that you have been provided, visit our health rights page for more information on who to contact.

SEND Information Hub feedback

If you could not find the information online or have suggestions to improve the SEND Information Hub, email