Kent Youth County Council (KYCC) elections

The countdown to this year’s KYCC elections has begun and now it is time to sign up and get involved!

KYCC is open to all young people aged 11 to 18 years. Sixty young people from across the county will be elected to represent the views and issues of young people in Kent and campaign on the top 3 issues for young people. No experience is required and we provide lots of support and training. It's a great accomplishment to have on your C.V. So, if you have something you want to say or do to improve the lives of young people in Kent, sign up now!

Find out more about becoming  a KYCC member.

This year’s elections will take place from 11 to 24 November. The deadline to register as a candidate is midnight on Sunday 20 October.

Register as a candidate

You have 2 options to register as a candidate:

District members

The election for these seats take place in schools, youth organisations and online. Four young people will be elected as KYCC Members and 4 as KYCC Deputy Members from each district in Kent.

Register to be a district representative

Community members

These elections are held online and within groups and organisations specific to the community seat. The community seat elections ensure KYCC is representative of all communities in Kent, when registering you will be able to select the community you belong to and would like to represent. One Member and one Deputy Member is elected to represent each community seat.

Community seats include:

  • Black Minority Ethnic young people
  • LGBT+ young people
  • Disabled young people
  • Gypsy / Roma and Traveller young people
  • International students
  • Neurodiverse young people
  • Young carers
  • Home educated young people
  • Young people in care
  • Young people not in education, training or employment
  • Young refugees.

If you belong to a community which is not represented in this list, please do apply and include details of the minority community you would like to represent.

The person with the highest number of votes will be elected as a member and will be offered a 2 year term on KYCC. The person with the second highest number of votes will be offered a deputy member role and will be offered a 1 year term on KYCC. Once elected community members have the same status and opportunities as district members.

Register to be a community representative

Register as a polling station

If you're a school or youth organisation, we need your help to:

  • run the elections this year
  • encourage young people to sign up as candidates for the elections
  • hold the elections in your school or youth setting.

Elections can be held online or by paper ballot (which we will deliver).

A range of resources including Powerpoint slides to be used in assemblies and promotional posters and leaflets will be sent to you in September. Please ensure you share these with the young people you work with.

We can also support in delivering school assemblies. If you would like a member of our team to come along to your school or youth organisation, email

Register your school or youth organisation as a polling station

Current KYCC members

Our 2024 KYCC members help to represent the voice of people in their area.

If you would like to know more about KYCC and get involved, register your interest.