Public Rights of Way Map

The map shows all of the public rights of way in the county. To report a fault, firstly log in, then select the 'Report a Fault' menu item.

To find a location use the Search options to locate paths, settlements or parishes. If your device has a GPS you can centre the map on your current position by pressing the 'Current Location' button.

To zoom into a specific area when using a mouse: hold the shift key and drag a box to zoom in. When using a touch device: pinch or drag a box to zoom in.

North Arrow
20 km
Map Legend
Route icon Land icon Admin boundary icon County boundary icon Promoted Route icon Temporary Closures icon Vegetation Clearance icon
Infra icon
Please note: this map is not the legal record of the alignment, status or existence of a Public Right of Way. © Crown Copyright and database rights 2017, OS licence number 100019238. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions which can be found here.