South East Research Framework
The South East Research Framework (SERF) aims to identify what we know about the South East's historic environment and what we want to know more about.
Researchers from all sectors of the archaeology community are working together to build a list of gaps in our current understanding and produce a research agenda and strategy for the future.
Resource Assessment and Research Agendas Chapters
- Anglo Saxon (PDF, 2.0 MB)
- Defence (PDF, 3.2 MB)
- Early Palaeolithic (PDF, 1.9 MB)
- Geology and environment (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- Historic landscapes (PDF, 1.9 MB)
- Maritime (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- Medieval (PDF, 1.3 MB)
- Middle Bronze and Iron Age (PDF, 2.5 MB)
- Post-medieval, Modern and Industrial (PDF, 1.9 MB)
- The Roman Period (PDF, 2.9 MB)
- Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Periods (PDF, 1.3 MB)
- Urban landscapes (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Following completion of this stage an implementation plan will be prepared, which will be subject to a subsequent consultation. It is also intended to publish the chapters as a print-on-demand illustrated publication later this year.
SERF is a partnership between East Sussex, Kent, Surrey and West Sussex. Historic England support the project financially.
Resource assessment seminar notes
- Defence (PDF, 68.5 KB)
- Environment (PDF, 101.9 KB)
- Historic landscapes (PDF, 99.7 KB)
- Lower and Middle Paleolithic (PDF, 43.8 KB)
- Maritime (PDF, 43.8 KB)
- Middle Bronze Age to Iron Age (PDF, 90.8 KB)
- Neolithic and early Bronze Age (PDF, 43.1 KB)
- Post-medieval and modern (PDF, 117.1 KB)
- The Anglo-Saxon period (PDF, 75.0 KB)
- The medieval period (PDF, 86.5 KB)
- The Roman period (PDF, 111.9 KB)
- Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic (PDF, 56.5 KB)
- Urban landscapes (PDF, 75.8 KB)
Neolithic and early Bronze Age seminar papers
- Alistair Barclay (PDF, 82.9 KB)
- Chris Hayden (PDF, 919.3 KB)
- David Field (PDF, 84.7 KB)
- Frances Healy (PDF, 233.5 KB)
- Julie Gardiner (PDF, 24.6 KB)
- Keith Parfitt (PDF, 417.3 KB)
- Martyn Barber (PDF, 70.8 KB)
- Matt Leivers (PDF, 85.1 KB)
- Mike Allen (PDF, 66.1 KB)
- Paul Garwood (PDF, 675.2 KB)
- Stuart Needham (PDF, 30.8 KB)
SERF Research Agenda Conference
- Anglo-Saxon (PDF, 27.0 KB)
- Defence (PDF, 30.6 KB)
- Historic landscapes (PDF, 25.0 KB)
- Lower paleolithic (PDF, 103.4 KB)
- Maritime (PDF, 25.4 KB)
- Medieval (PDF, 35.8 KB)
- Middle Bronze Age (PDF, 23.7 KB)
- Post-medieval and modern (PDF, 62.5 KB)
- Roman (PDF, 31.0 KB)
- Upper paleolithic and mesolithic (PDF, 23.4 KB)
- Urban (PDF, 29.2 KB)