Statement of accounts

The statement of accounts is a summary of our financial performance for the year and the overall financial position of the council.

The Accounts and Audit (Amendment) Regulations 2024 require that the Local Authority publishes a note when the publication of the final financial statements have been delayed, providing an appropriate explanation. The Local Authority published its unaudited accounts on 31 May 2024 and they were approved by Governance and Audit Committee on 13 December 2024.

The external auditors (Grant Thornton) have indicated a delay in finalising their audit opinion, due to additional work being undertaken following an objection received, primarily regarding the Authority’s arrangements for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources. It is expected that this will be resolved so that by the next Governance and Audit committee, on 20 March 2025,  the audit opinion will be finalised and there will be no need to enact any “backstop” provision.