Access to information
You have the right to access information held by us.
The Information Commissioner’s Office has information about how to access information from a public body.
Your personal information
Request information we hold about you under the General Data Protection Regulations.
Council information
Request information we hold in the council under the Freedom of Information Act.
Environmental information
Request information we hold about the environment under the Environmental Information Regulations.
Our website
We publish lots of information on this website, use the search at the top of this page to find what you're looking for.
You can use information on our website for non-commercial purposes such as research, private study, reviews and news reporting.
Using the information for commercial gain or profit, making multiple copies for the public, or publishing it without our express permission could be an infringement of copyright legislation.
Disclosure log
Our disclosure log is a record of all completed requests for information that we have received and dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
If you need any additional information about the request and our response to it, email quoting the reference number.
We only have details of cases closed in the last 3 years. Older cases are deleted in accordance with our retention schedule (see below).
Record retention
Some records have a set retention period; meaning they must be kept for a certain period of time before they are destroyed. If we have disposed of a document in accordance with our retention schedule, we cannot provide it. However, we do have a duty to tell you why the information you've asked for is not available.
Fees and charges
Some information is only available in hard copy or only available for inspection.
Fees or charges, and our charging policy are in our publication scheme.
Under the Freedom of Information Act we can charge disbursements - meaning we can ask you to pay the actual costs of providing the information in the format you need.
Reusing information
You have a right to ask to reuse information you have obtained from us under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005.
Email with the information you want to reuse and how it will be used.
Contact us
For queries about accessing information:
- email:
- write: Information Resilience and Transparency Team, Kent County Council, Room 2.64, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone, ME14 1XQ
- call: 03000 41 41 41 (for enquiries only, requests for information must be made in writing).
Performance statistics
We publish performance statistics about requests for information and a report on cases involving the Information Commissioner's Office.
- Status of appeals to Information Commissioner's Office (PDF, 2.8 MB)
- Status of appeals to Information Commissioner's Office
(XLSX, 129.5 KB) - Requests for information year on year performance statistics (PDF, 135.4 KB)
- Requests for information year on year performance statistics (XLSX, 18.4 KB)
Older statistics are available on request. You can contact us using the details above.
If you have any suggestions or are unhappy with how we handled your request for information, follow our complaints process.
If you are still unhappy, you can complain to the Information Commissioner who oversees compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.
Publication scheme
There is certain information we must proactively publish.
It lists information available, what to do if you cannot find what you are looking for and if you have to pay to get information.
Some information is only available in hard copy or for inspection in person.