Housing statistics
The facts and figures below cover housing in Kent.
Learn about the land and property we own. For any questions about the documents on this page email research@kent.gov.uk or call 03000 41 74 44.
New housing
Housing statistics for Kent are gathered using annual site surveys and statistical information from other sources. This information is used to record past trends and plan for future requirements.
Housing completion numbers and rates of development in Kent are available from the annual Housing Information Audit (HIA):
- Kent local authorities - Dwelling completions (PDF, 360.6 KB)
- Kent local authorities - Housing Land supply (PDF, 300.4 KB).
Future housing growth is the main component in our population forecasts.
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) also publish Land Use Change Statistics data which show new residential addresses in relation to the previous land use. (PDF, 891.3 KB).
House and land prices
The following bulletins contain information on house and land prices in Kent:
- Affordable housing (PDF, 297.7 KB)
- House price paid and number of sales in Kent: 2023 (PDF, 792.3 KB)
- Housing rents (PDF, 666.0 KB)
- Land use (PDF, 944.0 KB)
- Right to Buy (PDF, 230.6 KB).
Housing stock
Information from the Valuation Office agency (VOA) and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) provide data on: