Promoting responsible attitudes towards alcohol in Kent communities.
Find your local countryside partnership and get involved in local conservation projects.
Information, agenda and meeting dates for the health and wellbeing board.
The Kent and Medway Economic Partnership aims to drive forward economic growth and prosperity throughout the region.
In Kent and Medway, NHS organisations and the Kent and Medway councils work together to deliver health and social care work in joined-up ways.
The Kent Community Safety Partnership works to make Kent's communities safer.
The Kent Resource Partnership works to improve waste management in Kent.
Kent Safeguarding Children Multi Agency Partnership (KMSCP) works to protect and safeguard the children of Kent.
Reviewing and reporting on the actions and decisions of the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner.
Information about the LCPGs which bring partner organisations together to improve outcomes for children and young people in Kent.
The Prevent Duty Delivery Board agrees levels of risk and co-ordinates Prevent activity across Kent.
Kent County Council is a partner in TfSE, a new organisation to improve the transport network and grow the economy of the whole South East area.
Key information on the Kent and Medway Information Partnership.
The Partnership Strategy for Learning Disability in Kent.