Prevent Duty Delivery Board (PDDB)

The Prevent Duty Delivery Board (PDDB) was established in 2015 with specified authorities as defined by legislation, including Kent Police, district councils and education providers. The purpose of the board is to agree levels of risk and co-ordinate Prevent activity across Kent.

Read about Prevent and how to report concerns.

The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 introduced the ‘Prevent duty’ which requires the local authority and other specific bodies to act to "prevent people from being drawn into terrorism".

Local authorities have a central role in delivering the Prevent duty and ensuring their community understands the risks of radicalisation. They are required to have “due regard” to the duty in the following areas:

  • awareness of the risks of terrorism
  • leadership
  • working in partnership
  • staff capabilities
  • sharing information.

The Prevent Duty Delivery Board:

  • sets the strategic direction and priority for Kent’s Prevent activity
  • agrees the level of risk within the county and develops a Kent action plan to identify and address levels of risk
  • co-ordinates activity across a range of strategic bodies to ensure continuity of approach in preventing vulnerable people being drawn into terrorism
  • co-ordinates response to the requirements of new or revised guidance from central government, including any change to levels of risk within the county
  • ensures that frontline staff understand Prevent, are trained to recognise vulnerability to being drawn into terrorism and are aware of available support to deal with this issue.
  • holds local agencies to account for their work aimed at reducing the risk of people becoming radicalised or supporting violent extremism, ensuring this work is effective, coordinated and based on strong partnership working.
  • oversees the activity of the County Channel Panel.


The members of the board are:

  • Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing - Kent County Council (Chair)
  • Prevent Lead Officer - Kent County Council
  • Head of Community Safety and Public Protection - Kent County Council

As well as representatives from:

  • district councils
  • further and higher education organisations
  • health organisations
  • Independent Police Advisory Group
  • Immigration Enforcement
  • Kent Police
  • Kent Fire and Rescue Service
  • office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
  • prison services, including young offender institutions
  • probation and community rehabilitation services
  • South East Counter Terrorism Unit.