Children in Care and Care Leavers Strategy

Our Children in Care Strategy 2022 to 2025 describes how we will deliver good, effective corporate parenting for children and young people in our care and care leavers. It provides a clear commitment across all agencies in Kent to safeguard and promote the welfare of this vulnerable group.

The term corporate parenting describes the responsibilities the local authority has to improve the outcomes and life chances of the children we look after, supporting them to reach their full potential.

Good corporate parenting is about doing what any parent should do to promote the safety and welfare of their child, keeping children at the centre of everything that we do.

The strategy focuses on 6 priority areas:

  • improving outcomes for children in care through high quality social work practice
  • improving outcomes for care leavers through high quality social work practice
  • improving outcomes for children in care and care leavers through health and education
  • increasing placement choice, stability and support
  • increasing children and young people's impact on service design and delivery
  • ensuring children in care and care leavers are safeguarded.

This main strategy is supported by:

Kent's Corporate Parenting Group will work in partnership with the: