Domestic Abuse Strategy
Helping people live free from abuse
The multi-agency strategy was launched in March 2024. It is a 5 year strategy but will be reviewed and revised after 3 years.
The strategy brings together a range of statutory agencies including:
- Kent County Council
- Medway Council
- Kent Police
- the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
- the NHS
- Kent Fire and Rescue Service
- the Department of Work and Pensions
- the Probation Service
- Kent’s district, city and borough councils.
Interviews, workshops, formal and informal consultation have all influenced the development of the strategy commitments. We are thankful to all those who gave their time to support the development of this strategy, it aims to reflect the voices of people who have experienced abuse.
A number of domestic abuse needs assessments have also been completed and can be found on the Kent Public Health Observatory website.
The needs assessments have been used to help us understand gaps in our services, and develop ways to meet the gaps.
This strategy and the needs assessments are accompanied by a joint delivery plan. This delivery plan is regularly updated to reflect the changing projects across the partnership.
For more information, please email
Get help
If you need support with any type of abusive behaviour, there are live chat and telephone services available across Kent and Medway 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
White Ribbon
As part of our commitment to help people to live free from abuse, we are a White Ribbon accredited organisation.
White Ribbon encourages people, especially men and boys, to take action and change behaviour individually or collectively to end male violence against women and girls.