ISO 14001

ISO 14001:2015 is an International Environmental Management standard for the environment and has been implemented by organisations globally since 1996. We are externally certified to this standard and are externally assessed annually. All council operations have been certified since April 2009. Achieving and retaining this standard recognises our continuing commitment to reducing our impact on the environment, implementing sound environmental best practice, and ensuring our environmental policy is taken into account when making decisions and delivering council projects.

ISO 14001 provides a structured process for making environmental improvements, the rate and extent of which will be determined by the organisation in light of business needs and circumstances.

The key outcomes will be:

  • achievement of our environmental targets
  • reduction in carbon emissions contributing to Kent and UK carbon reduction targets
  • improved use of resources minimising our costs
  • compliance with relevant legislation
  • good practices adopted by our staff, which transfer to good habits at home.

The full details of the standard can be viewed on the International organisation for standardisation website.

See our ISO 14001 certificate.