Our Active Travel Strategy aims to make active travel an attractive and realistic choice for short journeys in Kent.
Our strategies and policies on aviation in Kent.
Cycling strategies for Kent districts focusing on local issues.
Aiming to reduce the negative impacts that road freight has on Kent's residents.
Information and plans for gritting, snow clearance and salt bins in Kent.
Read our rail strategy and find out how we'll influence train services over the next 10 years.
How we will work towards our 5 year transport vision.
Our position statement on the options for a Lower Thames Crossing.
Asset Management describes our approach to the maintenance of our highways and future investment.
Our mobility action plan outlines the measures that we are taking to give disabled people greater access to the highway network.
The government has published a National Bus Strategy which set out to improve bus services across the UK.
This plan outlines and explains our responsibilities under the Traffic Management Act.
Road and footways asset management and maintenance guide information
Information on the bid for the Local Sustainable Transport Fund.
Aiming to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured in road crashes.