Kent and Medway Business Fund Standard Loans
About the KMBF Standard Loan
The KMBF Standard Loan offers 0% loans between £100,000 and £600,000.
We welcome applications from established small and medium-sized businesses in Kent and Medway, who are looking to grow their business. Businesses looking for start-up funding can apply for a Small Business Boost.
It can help to develop new or expand existing products, services or processes. In turn it can create new jobs, deliver business growth and improve productivity.
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Find out about how to apply for a Kent and Medway Business Fund Standard Loan - video transcript
Terms of the loan
The loan terms are:
- A 10% administrative charge is applied on payment of funds.
- It must be at least 50% match funded from private sources such as business reserves and bank loans
- Security will normally be required to cover the full value of the loan. Personal guarantees may also be requested
- All eligible businesses can have a loan repayment period of 5 years or less.
You can apply for a loan if you:
- are a sole trader, partnership, limited company or a not-for-profit business
- are based in, or looking to locate to Kent (including Medway)
- are seeking between £100,000 and £500,000
- are creating sustainable jobs
- may be protecting sustainable jobs
- currently have fewer than 250 employees
- are currently viable, not in difficulty and not subject to collections or collective insolvency proceedings
- are developing or expanding products, services, or processes that will lead to new jobs, deliver business growth and improve productivity
- can identify innovation within your project
- can provide security and personal guarantees for at least a value equal to the loan capital and administrative charges over the term of the loan
- are able to provide 50% match funding from private sources.
Due to the loan being over £100,000, security or personal guarantees will automatically be required.
Who cannot apply
You cannot apply if your business is:
- a franchise
- an organisations engaged in political activity or lobbying at any level or activity of an exclusively religious nature.
Restrictions do apply to primary production and processing of agricultural products (read section 6 of our guidance for applicants for further information.
Apply for a Kent and Medway Business Fund Standard Loan
Before completing the pre-application form, we recommend that you read our guidance notes for prospective applicants (PDF, 948.7 KB).
Complete the pre-application form
Pre-applications opened on November 21 2023 and will close when funds run out.
If you have any questions about your pre-application email For general, financial or premise advice visit our business support page.