Includes school places term dates free school meals emergency school closures school transport Kent test SEND transport
Information about finding childcare, help with childcare costs and who to contact if your child attends an early years setting.
SEND Information Hub (Kent's Local Offer) - find support for your child or young person (0 to 25) with special educational needs and disabilities.
Kent Family Hub has local services and advice on keeping your child safe and well.
Find out the options for young people (16+), to continue staying in education, start training or work.
Information and resources for parents considering educating their child at home.
Find local services that supports Kent families with the educational, social and emotional needs of children, young people.
Find outdoor education opportunities in Kent.
Support we offer to children to help you stay out of trouble and lead a positive life. We also support victims of crimes committed by children.
Child protection in Kent.
Find out about adopting or fostering a child and how to access birth records.
Children in care and looked after children in Kent.
Help and support for young people (10 to 16), parents and carers, staff, and practitioners to understand emotional wellbeing and resilience.
Our children's services have been rated as outstanding by Ofsted. Read the latest report.
Find adult learning opportunities in Kent.