
We can accommodate up to 41 people in total, 36 children and 5 adults. The rooms and shower areas are split between 2 corridors.


We have:

  • 12 rooms with 2 bunk-beds, a washbasin, wardrobe, table and chairs
  • 2 rooms with 6 bunk-beds a washbasin, wardrobe, table and chairs
  • 2 staff bedrooms (if booking for a school) with a double bed, washbasin, table, chair and courtesy tea tray
  • an en suite bedroom close to the main building, with 2 single beds, bathroom (shower, toilet and washbasin), table, chair, English TV and courtesy tea tray.

The block is centrally heated and is fully equipped with fire doors, alarms, lockable external doors and security closing systems on all windows.

There's also a separate mobile-home with a:

  • double bed
  • single bed
  • kitchen
  • living room with English TV
  • bathroom (shower, washbasin)
  • separate toilet
  • courtesy tea tray.

You will need to make up your own beds on arrival.

Showers and toilets

There are 3 communal shower and toilet areas. In one corridor, there are separate facilities for boys and girls and in the other there's a shower and toilet area for either group.

Accessible facilities

One bedroom is suitable for a disabled person and there are separate facilities for disabled visitors.

Arrivals and departures

Arrival time is around 4pm.

If you need to arrive early, please contact us. You may need to leave your luggage in a communal area until the accommodation is ready.

Check out is at 10am on the day of departure.

Coaches are parked at the gate and you will need to walk about 700 metres to the accommodation. We recommend young people bring suitcases fitted with wheels.