Become a childcare provider

It takes 3 to 6-months to become fully registered as a childcare provider. This will apply if you are thinking of:

  • becoming a childminder
  • becoming a nanny
  • becoming a home childcarer
  • running a day nursery
  • running a holiday playscheme
  • running a breakfast or after school club

Becoming a childminder

Looking after under 5-year-olds

Before registering as a childminder and care for children under 5, you must complete training. The training must help you understand and implement the early years foundation stage (EYFS).

Looking after 5+ year olds

If you wish to only care for children over the age of 5 by registering on the compulsory and voluntary part of the Childcare Register there are other training requirements. For further details visit the Ofsted website.

Safeguarding, first aid and other training

There are extra training requirements for the Early Years and Childcare Registers. These include safeguarding and first aid. For first aid courses (required for the Early Years register), you can choose the training provider. You must make sure that it covers the content outlined in Annex A of the EYFS.

You may also research your own providers of all necessary training. Part of this research includes any related costs. You should also consider additional start-up costs, such as:

  • first aid equipment
  • safety equipment
  • public liability insurance
  • play resources.

Applying to Ofsted

For information about applying to Ofsted, health declarations, and DBS checks, see the Ofsted website.

You can also view their pre-registration briefing. It explains how to become a childminder with them.

Registering with a childminding agency

If registering via a childminding agency, you must discuss the application with them.

Help from us

Childminding services in Kent are currently delivered by The Education People.

Interested in face-to-face briefing sessions and childminding pre-registration courses? Email to find out more.

Becoming a home childcarer

Home childcarers (nannies) do not have to be registered or inspected but can choose to become approved through the voluntary part of the childcare register by Ofsted.  This is a voluntary scheme for approving childcare providers, such as home childcarers who meet certain criteria.

To register with Ofsted you must have successfully completed a qualification at a minimum level 2 in an area of work relevant to childcare (available through local colleges and adult education) or have received training in the core skills as set out in the document ‘common core skills and knowledge for the children’s workforce’ and have an appropriate first aid qualification.

Setting up a day care provisions

If you are thinking of starting work in the childcare sector, such as setting up a day nursery, holiday playscheme, breakfast or after school club then you will need to think about the following:

  • Have you located a property suitable for your new childcare setting?
  • Will the property require planning permission? To find out if you do require planning permissions contact your district council for further information
  • Have you undertaken any market research to see if your proposed services are required? (for example parent questionnaires, leaflet drops, Childcare Sufficient Assessment)
  • Have you thought about which legal structure you will follow? (for example sole trader, charity, company, partnership)
  • What type of childcare service are you considering offering? (for example full day care, sessional care, term time only, after school clubs, breakfast club, holiday play schemes)
  • Have you completed a business plan for the project?
  • Have you considered staffing?  – qualifications needed, recruitment, retention, training needs.

For further advice and support email We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Working in a day nursery or pre-school

The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets out the requirements for staff to child ratios in settings delivering the EYFS and the qualification levels that practitioners must hold.

In group settings, the manager must hold at least full and relevant level 3 qualifications and at least half of all other staff must hold at least full and relevant level 2 qualifications. The manager should have at least 2 years’ experience of working in an early years setting, or have at least 2 years’ other suitable experience. The provider must ensure there is a named deputy who, in their judgement, is capable and qualified to take charge in the manager’s absence.

For further information about qualifications and requirements for full and relevant qualifications read the early years qualification list.

Job vacancies in childcare

Look for opportunities for work as a childcare provider.