Parent Carer Panel

A young couple (male and female) looking at a laptop whilst holding their baby

Your views matter. Become a part of our parent and carer forum today and help shape services for families across Kent. Sharing your perspective could improve support for families, children and young people.

You can choose to join in online discussions in the evenings or at lunchtime. Or attend in-person groups in each district across Kent.

Take part in a Parent Carer Panel

With each meeting having a different theme, these are safe spaces to discuss your experiences and what support you feel will help families near you.

Complete our short registration form to sign up.

Join our Parent Carer Panel

Examples of services you can help

Family Hubs

Kent Family Hubs includes the groups, activities and support offered at Family Hub buildings across Kent, as well as the information you can find online at Kent Family Hub.

We would love to capture your views so we can make sure Family Hubs offers the support that you and your family need and will find useful.

Start for Life

You could help shape services for parents who are in pregnancy or have young children, up to 2-years-old. This will influence our Start for Life programme. We want to make sure you get the right information, advice and support early on in your parenting journey.

Topics we would talk about may include:

  • parenting support
  • mental health and wellbeing
  • breastfeeding
  • healthy eating
  • communication and social skills.

Family topics you choose

The discussion groups will also be led by the topics you want to discuss. We want to find out what is important to you. As the Parent Carer Panel continues to grow, we will cover a wider range of topics that matter to you, including:

  • support for parents of older children
  • services and support for:
    • dads
    • male carers
    • LGBTQIA+ parents
    • carers and parents of children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)
    • parents from different cultures and nationalities
    • armed forces families.