Support with day to day living
Family life is always full of challenges. But if everyday responsibilities, such as feeding your family or paying bills, are difficult you may need extra support.
Get the free help and support you need in this section of Kent Family Hubs. Find out how to apply for benefits, free school meals, transport and other help you may qualify for. Or search for a foodbank or childcare.
Get help paying for your childcare
Apply for 15 or 30 hours of free childcare per week.

Money worries? Get help now
Free, confidential money and debt advice by phone, online video and webchat, or in person at one of the 5 kiosks.

Skill up with language and essential skills courses
Start a course to help you in day-to-day life and in the work place. You could try, GCSE maths or English, functional skills or English for speakers of other languages (ESOL).