Children with long-term illness

We would like your views on a proposed policy for supporting children and young people who miss school owing to their health or medical needs. Read and take part in the consultation before 28 July.

If your child is of school age and unable to go to their regular school because they are in hospital or they have a long-term medical condition, we can help them continue their education.

This may include:

  • home tuition
  • education at a local centre or other office
  • education in hospital.

The type of help we offer will depend on your child's specific illness or medical needs. To be eligible for our help, your child must have a suitably long-term medical condition. Short hospital stays or illnesses don't count.

Under 2013 government statutory guidance, the school has the initial responsibility in making necessary arrangements or adjustments to meet your child’s health needs. As soon as you know that your child has a long-term illness or medical condition you need to talk to their school so that the school can provide necessary support.

If the school is unable to provide the support, they may refer your child to The Rosewood School who will get in touch with you if your child is eligible for our help.

If you have any questions or want to find out if your child is eligible for our help, email

You can also get support through our Early Help service.