Equipment and changes in your home for your child or young person

Where we can, we aim to help your child or young person to live independently in their home.

We provide an equipment and home adaptations service to disabled children and young people from 0 to 25 years of age.

Request equipment and adaptations

If you need specialist equipment and adaptations, the first step is to get in touch with your social worker. They will make a referral to our Children and Young People’s Occupational Therapy Service.

We will assess your request to see whether your child or young person needs help from:

We look at everyone’s situation individually and work with occupational therapists where necessary to make sure any adaptations are suitable for you.

If you do not have a social worker, contact us for an assessment.

Find out more about therapy and health services available in Kent, and how to request help from them.

Professional referrals

If you are a professional working with a disabled child or young person, and you need to make a referral for a child or young person who is known to us, complete our child referral form.

About your equipment

If something breaks or stops working properly, look for a label on the equipment. You will find the contact details to report your problem.

These details are also on the paperwork delivered with the equipment. If you can't find a contact number, check who to contact.

Our equipment is on loan to you so when you don't need it anymore, it has to be returned.

Look for a label on the equipment or check on the paperwork delivered with the equipment. If you can't find a contact number, check who to contact.

If there is no label on your equipment, these are the organisations to contact to arrange collection or repairs.

For equipment including beds, hoists, bathing equipment, walking sticks, zimmer frames, commodes and Telehealth:

For telecare and technology enabled care equipment:

For wheelchairs and incontinence pads, contact your GP or district nurse.

If your equipment is not doing everything you need it to, you will need another care needs assessment to see if:

  • you need different equipment
  • you need something done to adapt your current equipment to your new needs.

If you wish to raise a complaint about your equipment, you must speak to your equipment provider in the first instance.

If your complaint cannot be resolved by the equipment provider please contact our adult social care complaints team.