Working with SEND professionals

Together with professionals who work with SEND children and young people, we've been improving our:

  • SEND Information Hub web
  • newsletter
  • engagement with families.

Our partners

We work closely with Kent PACT and NHS Kent and Medway to support parent engagement. To learn more about these partnerships, read the Memorandum of Understanding.

Our teams

  • Assessment and Placement Officers
  • Business Support
  • Children’s Commissioning
  • Client Transport, Home to School Transport and Post 16 Transport
  • Digital Accessibility Team
  • Digital Services
  • Disabled Children and Young People’s Service
  • Early Years Team including SENIF
  • Equality and Inclusion Service
  • Headstart
  • High Needs Funding Team
  • Information, Advice and Support Kent (IASK)
  • Innovation Team
  • Internal staff groups (LBGTQ, disability, young people)
  • Kent Children and Families Information Service (CFIS)
  • Kent Country Parks
  • Kent Libraries
  • Open Access Team
  • Provision Evaluation Officers (PEOs)
  • Public Health
  • Reconnect
  • School Admissions Service
  • Senior leadership within SEND
  • Short Breaks Team
  • Specialist Teaching Learning Service (STLS)
  • Virtual School Kent
  • Youth Justice.


  • Autism Apprentice
  • Autism South East
  • Bemix
  • CXK
  • East Kent Mencap
  • Imago
  • Involve Kent
  • Head2Head Sensory Theatre
  • Kent Deaf Children's Society
  • Kent and Medway Progression Federation (KMPF)
  • Kent Pathways Service
  • Kent Supported Employment
  • National Deaf Children's Society
  • National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi)
  • SEND in Museums
  • We are Beams
  • STAART (University of Greenwich).

Educational settings or services

  • East Kent College group
  • Lead Teacher Specialist Resource Provision at The Marsh Academy in New Romney
  • North Kent College group
  • Specialist college providers
  • Specialist Resource Provision Teacher/ SENCO at Valley Invicta Primary School in Holborough Lakes
  • Senior Assistant Head Kings Hill Primary School
  • SENCOs
  • The Educational People (TEP).