Rainbow Centre - Ashford MASH

Multi Agency Specialist Hubs (MASHs) are our centres for disabled children and their families.

About us

  • Address: The Rainbow Centre, Great Chart Bypass (A28),  Ashford, Kent, TN23 4RR
  • Call: 03000 42 00 04
  • Opening times: Monday to Friday, 8am to 5:30pm

At our centre you and your child can benefit from a number of professional and healthcare services. Call one of our teams below for more details:

Audiology01227 866487
Community paediatrics01233 651927
Disabled children's social services

03000 42 08 86

Make a new referral

Occupational therapy and physiotherapy01233 651927

Special Educational Needs Inclusion Funding (SENIF)

View their contact details
Specialist dentist

03000 42 09 54

ask to speak to the dental receptionist

Make a new referral

Specialist Teaching and Learning Services (STLS)

01233 622958

03000 41 91 42

Speech and language therapy01233 651927
Support for pre-school children with SEND (Portage)

03000 41 77 04

Events, play and activities

We have a soft play room, a sensory room and a number of meeting rooms at our centre. Our play rooms are safe, fun and specifically designed for disabled children and their families.

To book a room email rainbowroombookingss@kent.gov.uk. For general enquiries call 03000 42 00 04.

The local charity Includes Us 2 run a family support service (a coffee morning) on the first Tuesday of every month. For more information about what else is available email familysupport@includesus2.org.uk or visit the Includes us 2 Facebook page.