Support for SEND professionals

Our SEND Information Hub supports parents, carers and young people. However, early years settings, schools and colleges can also find relevant support and guidance.

The Kelsi website provides education settings advanced support and contact information.

Standards, strategies and charters

To explain how we're supporting education settings and how you can help children and young people, read our strategies:

Early identification and health notification

It's a legal requirement that health and other professionals notify us if a child has, or is likely to have, special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and are not known to our education service.

By doing this, we're aware of children with SEND so they can get the right support to be able to attend early years education. They can fill out an early identification and health notification form.

The notification form should only be completed by a health professional.

Notify us of a child


Early years settings

Our special educational needs inclusion fund (SENIF) is available to early years providers, childminders, and out of school providers. It is a statutory requirement, made available by us, to secure better outcomes.

Find out more about SENIF.

Schools and colleges

Schools and colleges can apply for high needs funding if they need financial support to help deliver the support they need to for your child or young person.

Find out more about high needs funding.