Choose a school for your child with SEND
Finding and choosing the right school for your child can feel like a big decision.
Most children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can thrive in mainstream schools.
Every education setting has an obligation to support children to fulfil their potential and to make sure that they're included at every opportunity. Schools must put arrangements in place to support your child's individual needs.
Before you choose a school
We recommend when looking for your child’s new school you:
- attend their open days or evenings
- read their SEND policy and SEND information report, both should be available on their website
- arrange to meet the school's SENCO
- ask them specific questions to find out how they will support your child
- check the school is accessible for your child. Use the School Accessibility App to find this out.
- read their OFSTED report
- consider how your child will get to school, and how your school preference may affect their eligibility for free school transport (PDF, 468.8 KB). Your child is unlikely to qualify for transport assistance if they are not attending the nearest school to your home that can support their needs.
Apply for a school place
For children who have an education, health and care (EHC) plan, your school preferences will be discussed during your annual review meeting (phase transfer).
If your child is currently being assessed for an EHC plan but it has not been finalised, you are advised to also apply for a school place using the standard admissions process. This will ensure they have a school place if the EHC plan is not agreed.
Find out more about school applications via the standard admissions process.
If you need support in going through the application process, contact your SENCO or IASK.
Specialist resource provisions
A specialist resource provision (SRP) can be located within the same premise of a mainstream school or close by.
They provide support to those, who without specialist input, are unlikely to make progress in their learning and will struggle to take part in mainstream school life. In time, it is expected they will be able to attend most of their mainstream lessons and take part with others.
To be considered for SRP support the child must have an EHC plan.
You can look at the specialist resource provisions available and your school preferences will be discussed during your annual review meeting (phase transfer).
Special schools
A special school provides education and support to children who have complex special educational needs (SEN) and require their SEN support to be delivered in a specialist setting. The majority of children with an EHC plan will not need a place at a special school.
To apply for a special school, your child must have an EHC plan.
You can look at the special schools available and your school preferences will be discussed during your annual review meeting (phase transfer).
Once you've got your school place
After you've received your school place, you will need to accept or refuse the offer directly with the school.
Children with SEND often find change difficult.
As part of transition, schools, educational settings and families must work together to create a plan for your child. The plan should be in place to help with any specific needs, strengths, interests and potential anxieties and learning styles.
Learn how you can prepare your child for starting or changing school or moving into further education: