SEND funding for schools and colleges

Schools and colleges can apply for funding if they need financial support to help deliver the support they need to for your child or young person.

High needs funding (HNF) is money that schools and colleges can apply for to help them to support your child or young person.

Alternatively, find out how early year providers can apply for SEND funding.

Funding for schools and sixth form

The amount of funding a school receives depends on its size and the profile of its pupils. Schools decide how to spend the funding to best meet the needs of their pupils.

Schools can apply for high needs funding if a child needs more than £6,000 spent on them to meet their needs. This is only for children in mainstream schools and sixth forms, including free schools and academies.

The school will work with you and your child to identify their needs to help them make progress. Before the school applies for the extra funding they will ask for your consent. Once the application is received, it is considered by the specialist high needs funding team.

If we agree your child needs extra funding we'll confirm by email and will send you a copy of the timetable. If we don't have your email address the school will phone you and give you a copy of the timetable.

The funding is for 1 year but the school will review your child's provision 3 times a year. Your child's school needs to reapply for high needs funding each year.

If you are a parent you can:

If you are an education provider visit the Kelsi website to for more information.

Funding for college

High needs funding (HNF) is money that further education colleges or approved educational establishments can apply for to help them to support young people. It is available to young people who are aged 16+ with or without an EHC plan or 19+ with an EHC plan.

If you are a parent or a young person:

If you are a further education provider visit the Kelsi website to for more information.