C5a EU funding

About this project

  • Value of EU Grant - £67,440
  • Name of funding programme - EU INTERREG North Sea Region Programme 2014-2020
  • Start and end dates - January 2019 to December 2021.

The C5A (Cluster for Cloud to Coast Climate Change Adaptation) project aims to deliver a whole system approach to water and flood risk management in response to current and future risks from climate change by:

  • building directly on evidence and outputs from 7 Interreg projects, comprising over 100 organisations and 80 pilots across 7 countries, on sustainable water and flood risk management to create a holistic management model
  • bringing together knowledge and expertise of governance and risk management across four ‘constituent systems’ of catchment, coasts, cities and infrastructure networks into a Cloud to Coast (C2C) whole system approach
  • developing sustainable, integrated and multifunctional solutions that can be applied in practice through asset management and community resilience planning
  • reaching out locally, nationally and globally to establish the C2C approach in policy and on-the-ground delivery of water and flood risk management.

Find out more about the C5a project


  • Rijkswaterstaat (The Netherlands)
  • Sayers and Partners SPL (United Kingdom)
  • Universiteit Twente (The  Netherlands)
  • Lӓnsstyrelsen Vӓrmland (Sweden)
  • Provincie Drenthe (The  Netherlands)
  • Niedersӓchsischer Landebetreib für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten und Naturschutz (Germany)
  • Region Midtjylland (Denmark)
  • Kystdirektoratet (Denmark)
  • Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (Belgium).

Aims and objectives

  • Establish a holistic model of best practice governance and risk management across the water system
  • Promote a new approach to maximise investment and community resilience in flood and drought prone areas
  • Build adaptation capacity to climate change across the water system as a whole.

Anticipated outcomes

  • Improve access to knowledge, tools and best practice that support sustainable and holistic water and flood risk management
  • Increase ability to deliver ‘future-proofed’ investments that are better able to withstand the impacts of climate change
  • Establish a new standard approach for system-wide water management at a local, national and international level.

Key benefits for Kent

  • Better investments across the whole water system in Kent
  • Strengthened local governance and risk management from flooding and drought
  • Increased resilience to climate change.