STAR2Cs European Union Funding
Value of EU Grant - €444,000
Name of funding programme - EU Interreg 2 Seas Programme 2014-2020
Start and end dates: September 2017 to February 2021
The STAR2Cs (Short Term Adaptation for long term Resilience to Climate Change) project aims to overcome the ‘implementation gap’ faced by local government adapting to climate change by:
- developing a versatile method to identify cost-effective mechanisms to deliver local adaptation measures
- building stakeholder knowledge and the ability to participate in effective ‘future proofed’ decision making
- demonstrating the success of this approach to encourage wider rollout across the 2 Seas area and beyond to stimulate adaptation action.
For more information about the project visit the STAR2Cs website.
Key partners:
- Provincie Oost-Vlaandereen (Belgium)
- De Vlaamse Waterweg NV (Belgium)
- Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier (Netherlands)
- Geemente Schouwen-Duiveland (Netherlands)
- Geemente Capelle aan den Ijssel (Netherlands)
- Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (Belgium)
- Agence d’Urbanisme et de Développement des vallées de l’Oise – Oise les Vallées (France)
There are also many observer partners including:
- Environment Agency (UK)
- Syndicat Mixte Baie de Somme – Grand Littoral Picard (France)
- Provincie Zuid-Holland (Netherlands)
- Vlaamse Overheid (Belgium)
- Essex County Council (UK)
The Short Term Adaptation for long term Resilience to Climate Change fund aims to:
- increase implementation of adaptation measures and actions across Kent and the 2 Seas area
- increase stakeholder engagement in long-term decision-making
- allow for a better understanding of the long-term cost and benefits of proactive adaptation.
- reduction in total costs of flooding and climate change
- tools and support to deliver adaptation measures tailored to local scenarios
- implemented adaptation plans.
- reduction of long-term impacts of flooding
- public property and infrastructure better adapted to climate change
- adaptation actions integrated into local policy and strategy.