Flood risk to communities
These documents have been prepared for the residents and businesses of the 12 districts within Kent. They provide information on the nature and magnitude of the flood risk across the county and outline the existing and proposed approaches to manage the risks identified. All documents are currently in draft and will be updated using the Environment Agency’s updated national flood risk assessment once delivered.
They have been developed with the help and support of the other Risk Management Authorities (RMAs) that operate across Kent. These include the Environment Agency, Kent County Council, The district councils, Southern Water, Thames Water and the various internal drainage boards that operate within Kent.
They aim to provide a summary of:
- the main flood risks to the county
- the key flood risk management assets/structures
- any flood risk management plans or strategies that are in place
- where to find further information.
All links to plans, strategies and other relevant information have been shortened to facilitate the use of non-electronic versions of this document.
The maps and tables currently within these documents are based on old data and are therefore out of date. These are living documents and will be periodically reviewed and revised as any relevant new information or plans become available.