What we are responsible for
In Kent there are over 60,000 properties that are at risk of flooding from coastal, streams or rivers. With coastal areas like Romney Marshes, Dartford, and Gravesend being particularly vulnerable.
We also have over 20,000 properties that are at risk from surface water, especially in urban areas. Ordinary watercourses and groundwater also present higher flood risks in certain regions of Kent, such as the Low Weald, North Kent Marshes, Romney Marshes, and the North Downs.
To manage the flood risks, as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for the county, we work closely with other risk management authorities and take the lead in managing local flood risks from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses. Find out who is responsible for different types of flooding below.
Our responsibilities
Main river and ordinary watercourses
Flooding from main rivers and ordinary watercourses occur when the water flowing in a watercourse (which may be in a culvert), exceeds the capacity of the channel and goes over its banks. The capacity of the watercourse maybe reduced by blockages and debris in the channel. There are two categories of watercourse, a main river and ordinary watercourse which includes streams drains and ditches.
The Environment Agency is responsible for main rivers and we are responsible for ordinary watercourses.
Surface water
When the rate of the rainfall is higher than the rate at which water can drain into the ground or enter a drainage system. It creates a runoff, running down a hill and pooling at lower points.
We are responsible for any surface water flooding.
Responsibility of others
Coastal erosion
Coastal erosion occurs when the coastline is eroded by the action of the sea, leading to the loss of land. Whilst coast protection works are not the same as coastal flood defences, they can contribute to the effectiveness of flood defences along a shoreline.
Your district council is responsible for coastal erosion. responsibility for coastal erosion.
Coastal flooding
Coastal flooding occurs when the coastline or the coastal flood defences are either overwhelmed or breached by hide tides or by a storm surge.
The Environment Agency is responsible for coastal flooding.
If water entering a reservoir is greater than the amount the reservoir is designed to get rid of, water may overflow. Reservoir flooding is extremely unlikely to happen.
Reservoirs are the responsibility of multiple authorities:
- The Environment Agency is responsible regulation.
- The owner of the reservoir is responsible for managing the on-site risks.
- We and the Kent and Medway Resilience Forum are responsible for off-site emergency plans
Sewer flooding (including foul sewers)
Sewer flooding may happen when the sewerage system fails due to blockages. Or the pipes are overwhelmed by surface water.
Your water company own and manage the network of public sewers for both foul and surface water across Kent. To report an overflowing public sewer contact them directly.