Prepare for a flood

Any flood damage in a home is the responsibility of the homeowner or occupier.

By preparing for a flood now, it can reduce the emotional, financial, and potentially physical impact a flood can have on you and your family.

Check if you're at risk of flooding

If you're not sure if you're at risk of flooding, visit GOV.UK to find out. You can also sign up to their free flood warning service, to get warnings by phone, text or email.

Get prepared

There are several precautionary measures you can take. Our tips are to:

For further advice to prepare for flooding, visit the Kent and Medway Prepared website. Or, if you are a business visit their business webpages for advice

What to do if it floods

If flooding happens, it is important to:

  • report the flooding to the correct people
  • stick together and look after each other, especially those who are elderly or vulnerable
  • protect what you can, but evacuate when you're told to do so
  • stay up to date through your local radio station
  • report hazards such as gas leaks and electrical hazards to the right people. Do not assume that power lines on the ground or hanging low are dead as they may remain live or could become live. Report low and grounded power cables to UK Power Networks and do not approach within 5m of low or grounded power cables.
  • stay away from high or strong waves, and avoid walking or driving through floodwater.

What happens after a flood

For help and guidance, learn what to do and who to contact if you've been affected by flooding