Fusion project
We secured European Union funding to support businesses in becoming environmentally sustainable and expand the low carbon sector.
The project was an opportunity for Kent companies interested in the environmental sector to have their say in how business support should be developed and to influence policies that enhance economic potential in Kent.
As part of the project, we have carried out a number of evidence based research projects looking at opportunities and risks posed from several themes:
- renewable energy
- resource efficiency
- climate change adaptation
- housing retrofit and waste.
We are now using the results of these studies to develop new targeted business support packages. If you are interested in any of these studies, you can contact us at lowcarbon@kent.gov.uk.
One output of the project is this guide to integrating life cycle thinking (PDF, 3.2 MB), which contains case studies and advice on the integration of 'life cycle thinking' amongst small and medium businesses.
The project has also produced a guide on supporting small and medium businesses shift towards a circular economy (PDF, 3.1 MB), which businesses may find useful to learn about the concept and the benefits it can bring to their organisation.
Throughout the project we surveyed 296 companies across the UK, France and Belgium to see what their experiences and challenges were with operating within a circular economy. For more information read the report What does the circular economy mean to small and medium sized businesses (PDF, 1.2 MB).
The project had a total value of €5 million and was co-funded by the European Union via the Interreg IV A 2 seas programme. It was delivered in Kent by Kent County Council, BSK-CIC and the University of Kent.