
Bee on the centre of a flower

Pollinators are animals that move pollen between different parts of a flower and between flowers. The movement of this pollen allows the plant to be fertilised and therefore to produce fruit and seeds.

Our pollinators include bees, moths, flies, butterflies, wasps and beetles. They provide a vital, free service so our crops grow and our gardens and countryside are full of a variety of colourful plants. Our soft fruit industry is heavily reliant on these little insects, but they are under threat from factors such as habitat loss, climate change and pesticide use.

Since 1980, the trend for pollinators shows an overall decrease of 30%. If our agricultural industry had to use hand pollination instead of insect pollination it would cost an estimated £1.8 billion a year in the UK.

We have a plan for how we can improve the habitats and food sources for pollinators in Kent to reverse their rapid decline, and advice for how you can help too.