Important pollinators in Kent
Kent is one of the most diverse counties in the UK for insects. It is home to a number of rare and scarce pollinator species and holds significant populations of some of these.
Record your sightings of pollinators
On this page there are examples of some pollinators you may see here in Kent. Sightings of these pollinators and any others you encounter can be recorded on the iRecord website.
It's really useful to record your sightings. Data will be shared with various organisations and researchers to help build up a picture of how our pollinators are faring to enable more targeted conservation work.
Fiery clearwing
Scientific name: Pyropteron chrysidiformis.
This day flying moth is now only found in Kent and is associated with coastal areas. It is one of the priority species for Kent’s Magnificent Moths project. Find out more about the moth and how you can help.

Fiery clearwing moth.
Heath fritillary
Scientific name: Melitaea athalia.
One of the rarest butterflies in the UK, a stronghold still remains in the woodlands of Blean near Canterbury. Look out for the distinctive caterpillars on common cow-wheat. You can discover more about heath fritillaries and their lifecycle.

Heath fritillary caterpillar.
Noble chafer
Scientific name: Gnorimus nobilis.
This striking metallic green beetle is associated with traditional orchards, with the larvae feeding on decaying wood. The adults can be found on flowers during June and July. To find out more about the noble chafer beetle and report any sightings go to the people's trust for endangered species website.

Noble chafer beetle.
Shrill carder bee
Scientific name: Bombus sylvarum.
The rarest bumblebee species in England. Their distinctive high pitched buzz can be heard on a number of sites along the north and east Kent coasts. Keep an eye out for them on coastal grassland where you may see them visiting black horehound, meadow vetchling and red bartsia, among other favourite flowers. For tips about identification visit the Bumblebee Conservation Trust website.

Shrill carder bee.
Sea aster bee
Scientific name: Colletes halophilus.
This stripey solitary bee collects pollen solely from the flowers of sea aster. It flies mainly during August and September and can be seen on saltmarshes and other coastal areas. As a ground nesting bee, the nest cells it produces to house its young are made of a waterproof layer so that they can withstand flooding in case of higher tides. Find out more on the Buglife website.