Pollinator projects in Kent
As well as work on Kent’s Plan Bee, there are a number of other projects across the county to restore and create habitats for pollinators as well as increase public awareness about pollinators.
Cross Pollination project
This Kent High Weald Partnership project ran from 2016 to 2020 in the Tunbridge Wells area. It aimed to raise public awareness about bees and other pollinating insects. Pollinator friendly flowers were introduced to a number of parks in the area as demonstration sites and studies were carried out to identify the best plants for pollinators. Read more on the Cross Pollination project website.
Fifth Continent Landscape Partnership Scheme
Part of this Kent Wildlife Trust led scheme includes a Green Lanes for Bumblebees project, which the Bumblebee Conservation Trust manage. This is working to better connect habitats for bumblebees across the Romney Marsh and restore areas, such as through wildflower seeding.
Kent’s Magnificent Moths project
This Butterfly Conservation led project starts in spring 2021 in East Kent to help to safeguard some of the UK’s rarest moths. Read more on the Butterfly Conservation website.
Making a Buzz for the Coast project
This project aims to restore and create habitats for Kent’s wild bees and other pollinators along the north and east Kent coasts. It is managed by Bumblebee Conservation Trust and works with a range of partners, including Kent County Council, to increase public awareness around Kent’s wild bees and monitor their populations. Read more on the Bumblebee Conservation Trust website.
Old Chalk New Downs project
This project aims to restore and connect areas of chalk downland on the North Downs. Specific training on pollinators has been provided as part of this and the habitat restoration works provide valuable habitat for these insects. Read more on the Old Chalk New Downs website.
Short-haired Bumblebee Reintroduction project
The aim was to reintroduce the extinct short-haired bumblebee and also to work with land managers to create and enhance the habitat for bumblebees. The Bumblebee Conservation Trust leads this project, which has been running since 2009 around Dungeness and the wider Romney Marsh. Read more on the Bumblebee Conservation Trust website.
Pollinator news
Discover regular pollinator blogs on the Explore Kent and Kent Wildlife Trust websites to keep up to date with what is happening in the county and find out more about how you can help.