Community transport grant
This funding programme is closed to new applications.
We encourage and support communities to set up and maintain community transport schemes that are tailored to their local needs.
Community-led groups or organisations can apply for a community transport grant to either set up a new scheme or support an existing one.
The scheme we ran last year was supported by funding from the Department for Transport. It was part of our Bus Service Improvement Plan Initiative programme. We awarded more than £560,000 in total to 11 community transport schemes in Kent.
Find out more about our community transport schemes.
This year, with support from DfT National Bus Strategy funding, we are inviting community-led groups and organizations to apply for a community transport grant.
Types of funding
The majority of funding that we have is for capital expenditure but we have also set aside a small amount of revenue funding for grants. This means that bids for one-off capital funding for things like vehicles will be more likely to succeed.
There are strict rules about the sorts of things for which capital funding can be used. As a guide, capital funding is typically one-off in nature and will be for the purchase of assets such as vehicles or other equipment. You cannot use capital funding for staffing costs or to pay transport providers to run services as this is revenue expenditure.
Use of the funding
The community transport funding can help you to:
- buy a vehicle or other equipment to support a community transport scheme (for example, computer equipment, ticket machines, parking facilities)
- cover the initial costs involved in setting up a community transport scheme (for example, staffing costs for the first year - providing the plan shows how the costs will be covered in subsequent years). Only a small proportion of our funding is available for this purpose.
All associated publicity, including vehicle liveries, must include The Department for Transport and Kent County Council logos.
Application guidance
Who can apply
To set up a new scheme or support an existing one community groups, parishes or town councils can apply.
We will also consider applications from organisations or transport providers who are working in partnership with community groups, parishes, town councils or transport providers, as long as the application is community-led.
Assessment of application
We will assess your application in 2 stages.
Firstly, you will need to demonstrate that your application meets our essential criteria. If any of the essential criteria are not met, your application will not be successful.
Essential criteria
The scheme must:
- address an identified transport need within the local community
- not compete with or undermine an existing transport service
- be fully accessible for all users, including disabled passengers.
The application must include:
- a mobilisation plan which details how it can be delivered in 2025
- some form of match contribution – such as a guarantee of financial or other contribution (for example, securing volunteer drivers or equipment)
- a plan that explains how the scheme will be sustainable both immediately after the financial support is provided and in the longer term.
Other considerations
If your application meets the criteria, we will consider:
- the amount and type of funding you've requested (revenue or capital), taking into account the budget we have available
- what transport is already available locally and how the scheme may help to address any gaps
- what benefit the scheme will bring to the community
- who will benefit from the scheme
- whether the scheme is new or whether it improves an existing scheme
- whether the plan demonstrates how the scheme can be delivered after the first year (when the grant funding has been spent)
- how the scheme aligns with our strategic priorities
- how the scheme addresses environmental considerations.
This funding programme is now closed.
After you apply
Your bid will be assessed against how well it meets the essential criteria above.
We will let you know if your bid has been successful in time to make your grant award payment by the end of March 2025.
Funded by UK government
The UK Government has provided additional funding for Community Transport Grants to support our Bus Service Improvement Plan.