Kent and Medway Better Mental Health and Wellbeing Community Fund

The Kent and Medway Better Mental Health and Wellbeing Community Fund is designed to test innovative ideas, develop evidence of what works and support grassroots projects to continue to support their communities.

We know that in the right hands a little can go a long way, so we want your ideas about how to improve the mental health and wellbeing of residents across Kent and Medway.

Applicants can bid for up to £15,000. Organisations bidding for over £5,000 will be required to provide a 3 month update on progress.

Who can apply

Projects must be completed by the end of March 2025 and you will be expected to take part in a simple project evaluation.

Read our prospectus (PDF, 184.2 KB).

We can only accept applications from organisations which are formally constituted and have a bank account, for example a:

  • registered charity
  • parish council
  • community interest company
  • limited company
  • public sector body.

The following will not be considered in this round of funding:

  • Applications to fund mental health or suicide prevention training places.
  • Applications for traditional counselling or therapy.
  • Applications for projects which have been previously funded by the Kent and Medway Suicide Prevention Programme.

If you have any questions about the fund or the application, contact

This fund was heavily over-subscribed last year and we anticipate receiving a large number of submissions again this year. We are therefore unable to provide feedback on unsuccessful submissions.


The deadline for applications was midday on Monday 29 April 2024.

Decisions will be shared the week commencing 13 May 2024.