Tell us about a scam or a problem with a trader or product.
Alerts about scams, doorstep criminals and doorstep sellers in Kent.
We work in partnership with Citizens Advice consumer service who can provide helpful and useful advice.
You do not have to accept work from an uninvited caller - say no to doorstep criminals.
Advice on avoiding common scams, including doorstep, cyber, post and emails and who to talk to for support.
Our Alternative Dispute Resolution service helps consumers and businesses resolve disputes and is a quicker and cheaper alternative to court.
E-crime is criminal activity carried out using computers or the internet. Find out how you can stay safe online.
Get advice on buying goods and services including holidays, second hand cars, alcohol, tobacco and vapes.
Find a Kent County Council Trading Standards Checked trader on our Trading Standards Checked website.
A list of unsafe and recalled goods from the Trading Standards Institute.