Help to stop smoking

An older woman is on her phone sitting next to a younger woman in a kitchen helping her with something on it.

Why use TEPO?

If you know someone who wants to quit smoking, Teacher in Your Pocket (TEPO)  is an excellent resource, especially for those who might not be online. Use our short videos to share valuable information and advice via your mobile phone, covering topics such as:

  • the health benefits of quitting smoking
  • mental health and wellbeing improvements of quitting smoking
  • financial advantages of quitting smoking.

Health benefits of quitting smoking

Watch our video to hear from Dave, who managed to quit after smoking for decades. He shares his experiences and the health benefits he has noticed, such as:

  • being able to breathe more easily
  • increased energy levels
  • better stamina and endurance
  • reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer.

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Read the transcript of the health benefits of quitting video.

Mental health and wellbeing benefits improvements

In our next video, hear how Dave’s mental health and wellbeing improved after quitting smoking. He talks about:

  • reduced anxiety and better mental health
  • rebuilding relationships and spending time with family
  • setting a positive example for grandchildren.

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Read the transcript of the mental health and wellbeing benefits of quitting video

Financial benefits of quitting smoking

In our next video, Dave shares how quitting smoking positively impacted his finances. He talks about:

  • significant financial savings
  • more family outings and treats
  • reduced financial stress.

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Read the transcript of the financial benefits of quitting video.

Advice and support

If you need further advice and support visit Smokefree Kent. You'll find a range of free stop smoking services allow you to find the right quit route for you.