Urgent financial help and extra support
If you are in a crisis situation or need urgent help, we may be able to offer some assistance. You will have to apply and meet the eligibility criteria to get vouchers or assistance.
Food or energy in a crisis
The Kent Support and Assistance Service (KSAS) is our emergency welfare service and may be able to help you if you have experienced an unforeseen, short-term crisis or if you are facing exceptional pressures because of an emergency.
We offer our help for a short time only if you have no other means of support, and if all other avenues of support have been exhausted. We do not provide money but support with essential items, like food, and help with utilities.
Find out about our Kent Support and Assistance Service
Pensioner Just Missing Out scheme
If you are a pensioner and need help with the increasing cost of living, you may be eligible for the Just Missing Out scheme. It's available for those who are not eligible or in receipt of Pension Credit. The scheme is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions on behalf of the UK government.