Shorne Woods' history

Mesolithic period
Flint tools discovered show the landscape has been used possibly as long as 12,000 years ago.
13th Century
In Randall Woods you'll find 4 ponds and the foundations of Randall Manor, home of Sir Henry de Cobham and his descendants.
Look out for the banks of Hollow Way, an old road which may pre-date the manor house.
Visit Archaeology in Kent on Facebook to find out more about digs taking place at Randall Manor.
16th Century
Coppicing began in the late 1500s. You can see sawpits in Brewers Wood and old woodland ditches that helped to drain the coppice areas.
World War II
You can still see air raid shelters from an RAF billet camp and a D-Day era army camp.
Follow Archaeology in Kent on Facebook for the latest discoveries at Shorne Woods. Find out more about archaeology activities at Shorne Woods and how you can take part.
Creating the park
Kent County Council bought Shorne Wood in 1982 and opened the site as a country park in 1987.
We bought Randall Woods and Brewers Woods in 2001 and an additional 3 hectares of Brewers Wood in 2013. This then created Shorne Woods.