Support for Ukrainian nationals

Homes for Ukraine

Якщо ви - український біженець у Кенті і вам потрібна інформація на українській мові, просимо зателефонувати за номером 03000 419820.

Если вы - украинский беженец в Кенте и вам нужна информация на русском языке, просим позвонить по номеру 03000 419820.

What to expect in the first few days

Support for you

The UK government has also produced a guide for Ukrainians arriving in the UK which is available in Ukrainian and Russian. It also includes specific information for those arriving on the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

Barnardo's have also set up a free Ukrainian Support Helpline, which is staffed by English, Ukrainian and Russian speakers. To get help and advice on a range of topics, call 0800 148 8586, Monday to Friday (10am to 8pm) and Saturday (10am to 3pm).

The information below will help you access things that are important to everyday life. You can also get support to access these things from your host and from your district or borough council.

You can find information and support, including the UK visa support available to Ukrainian nationals on GOV.UK.

The Ukraine Permission Extension scheme will be available to those who have come to the UK through our Ukraine schemes. You can find information on the Ukraine Permission Extension scheme on GOV.UK.

UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) have developed a digital immigration system. This is known as an eVisa. You can find information on eVisas and why you need one on GOV.UK.

Register with a doctor

You should register with a doctor as soon as possible. Everyone in your family should visit your doctor as soon as they can, so that they can make sure you're healthy and get you any support you may need.

You can find out more about how to register with a doctor on GOV.UK.

If you have difficulty in registering with a doctor or would like advice on which practice covers your address then please ring 01634 335095 and select option 6, or email

Medical and dental emergencies

You can find out how to get medical help for emergencies, issues that can't wait until you can see your GP and dental emergencies on GOV.UK.

Get up-to-date with your vaccinations

Once you're registered with a doctor, they will also make sure your vaccinations are up-to-date. Read this leaflet about getting up to date with your vaccinations. The leaflet is also available to download in Ukrainian and Russian on GOV.UK.

COVID vaccinations

The COVID-19 vaccine is free to everyone in the UK, including migrants. Information about getting a vaccine if you don't have an NHS number is available on GOV.UK in English and Ukrainian.

Other health information

Visit GOV.UK for more guidance on:

Childcare and pre-school

You can find out about the childcare options available to you including free and tax-free childcare on our childcare and pre-school pages.

Kent Children and Families Information Service (CFIS) also offer support for all parents and carers with children aged 0 to 5 years.

Early help

If you're worried about your child, you can get support from our Early Help team.

Child safety

Everyone has the right to live in a safe environment. Contact us if you’re concerned about a child in Kent and want to speak to someone.

Adult safety

If you're worried about yourself or someone else, read a leaflet from the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board on how to protect yourself from abuse:

Contact us if you’re concerned about an adult in Kent and want to speak to someone.

School places

Ukrainian children and young people will be offered places at the schools that have enough spaces closest to their homes.

Parents or carers need to complete the In Year Admissions Form (PDF, 303.3 KB) for each child that needs a school place and then send this form to the school you would like your child to attend.

Alternatively, you can email the In-Year Admissions Team at with:

  • the name of your child or children
  • their date of birth
  • the full address (including postcode) of where you're staying.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer places at full schools.

Families with more than one child needing a school place may need to travel to a school further away from their home to make sure that all siblings can attend the same school.

If we cannot offer your child a school place that is a reasonable distance from your home, we will make sure local alternatives are provided.

Find out more about school places

Childcare and education

Visit GOV.UK for more guidance on:

School transport

If your child has to travel a long way to school you may be eligible for free school transport.

Find out about free school transport

Free school meals and uniforms

If your child is in full-time education, under 19 and you receive certain benefits, they may be able to get free school meals.

Your borough or district council can give you support with things like leisure facilities and housing:

If you are unsure who your nearest district or borough council is visit the government website.

You can join a library to use free computers and access groups and other services.

Our community directory contains information about activities, services and groups to help all Kent residents live healthy, active and fulfilling lives.

If you'd like to know more about the English language or our culture, you may want to watch some of the videos on a YouTube channel called English with Ukrainians.

Kent Adult Education also offer a range of courses to support learning English and most of them are free. Find out more on the Kent Adult Education website.

You can find more resources and training to learn English on GOV.UK.

UKrainian Refugee Help

Hosts and volunteers with first-hand experience of the Homes for Ukraine process have developed a website full of useful information for both hosts and Ukrainian guests. Visit the UKrainian Refugee Help website.

Temporary leave

If you have to leave for more than 28 days, or if you have to leave without a return date, you must tell your support worker.