Apply for a dropped kerb, extension or access point

A dropped kerb is when the pavement between the road and your driveway is strengthened and the kerb is lowered to allow vehicles to cross it without causing any damage. An access point is where you access your property from the road.

Before you get a dropped kerb installed or extended by a contractor or start using a new access point, you need to get our permission. We need to make sure it won't introduce any risks to other road users or damage any part of the road or pavement.

Get permission

Follow the process below to get permission for:

  • a single dropped kerb
  • a dropped kerb extension
  • an access point for your home.

If you're a developer, find out how to apply for a dropped kerb or get an access point as a developer.


The application costs £463, but there may be additional inspection charges if you want:

  • a new access point or
  • a dropped kerb installed near a tree or street light.

Additional inspections cost £72 each and are non-refundable. For more information, read the application guidance (PDF, 565.4 KB).

If we need to make changes to the road or pavement to make your dropped kerb or access point safe, you will also need to pay for that work. Additional costs could include:

  • moving a street lighting column
  • moving a traffic sign and post
  • getting a traffic regulation order to change a parking bay
  • third party alteration costs.

If we decline your application, you will get a refund of £214.


Before you apply for permission, read the application guidance (PDF, 565.4 KB).

You'll also need:

  • a copy of your planning permission or written confirmation that you do not need planning permission from your local district or borough council
  • written permission from the home owner if you do not own the property
  • a photograph taken in front of the property, showing neighbouring properties that may be affected
  • a sketch of where you plan to introduce the access point, or have the dropped kerb installed (full details of what to include are in the application guidance (PDF, 565.4 KB))
  • a debit or credit card to pay the application fee.

If we're already planning to work on the pavement of your road, you may be able to get a dropped kerb at a reduced rate. If the name of your road has 'footway reconstruction' next to it on our forward works programme (PDF, 623.4 KB), email to ask for more information.

If you'd like to save your progress, make sure you create an account or log in to your account before starting your application.

Apply for permission


We aim to inspect your property and give you a decision within 28 days of receiving your application and payment.

If we approve your application, you will have 2 years from the date of the Approval Notice to get your dropped kerb installed. If the work is not completed within this time, you'll need to reapply.

If we decline your application, we will clearly set out the reasons why it has been refused. If you don't think we've applied the criteria correctly, you can ask us to review the decision by making a complaint.

Find a contractor

Once you have been granted permission, you can employ any contractor to install your dropped kerb as long as they hold:

  • New Roads and Street Works Act accreditations for excavation and reinstatement
  • £5 million public liability insurance.

Contractors' prices can vary from £1,000 to £2,500.

Find a contractor on the Trading Standards Checked website.

Property enquiries

If you'd like us to confirm the legality of a dropped kerb, we can check our records and provide you with a decision for £70. Submit a dropped kerb property enquiry.

Report an illegal dropped kerb

If you think a dropped kerb has been installed illegally, let us know using our online reporting tool. Select 'Unlicensed or illegal dropped kerb' from the drop down menu.

Parking on a dropped kerb

If a vehicle is causing an obstruction to a pavement and there are parking restrictions in place, report the matter to your parking enforcement team at your local borough or district council.

If there are no parking restrictions in place, you will need to report to Kent Police by calling 101.