Apply for a dropped kerb or access point as a developer

Follow the process below to get permission to install a dropped kerb or create an access point as a developer.


The application fee depends on the number of properties within the development:

  • 2 to 5 properties - £309 per property (minimum fee applies £762 maximum £1,521)
  • 6 to 25 properties - £309 per property (minimum £1,521 maximum £3,605)
  • Over 25 properties are subject to different fees and a quotation can be provided on request.

Temporary access

Temporary access inspections cost £843 per access point, including a £84 technical re-instatement inspection fee. Read further advice on development work and whether you will require a Section 278 legal agreement.

Additional inspections

Additional inspections may be required if the dropped kerb or access point will be near to a street light, tree or drain. The additional inspections cost £84 per visit.


Before you apply for permission, read the dropped kerb application guidance (PDF, 565.4 KB).

To apply, you'll need to complete and return the developer dropped kerb application form (PDF, 135.2 KB). Applications can be posted or emailed to

After you apply

Once we have your application, payment and supporting documents, we aim to inspect your site within 28 days.

If we approve your application, you will have 2 years from the date of the Approval Notice to install the dropped kerb. If the work is not completed within this time, you'll need to reapply.

If we decline your application, we will clearly set out the reasons why it has been refused. If you don't think we've applied the criteria correctly, you can ask us to review the decision by making a complaint.