Street parties for Victory in Europe (VE) and Victory over Japan (VJ) day celebrations
You can apply to close a road for a street party and to attach lightweight bunting or flags to streetlights to celebrate VE and VJ days and the ending of World War 2.
Event requirements
If you have been given permission to host a street party, the event must be:
- organised for residents and neighbours only
- free to attend
- on a residential road (for example a cul-de-sac or where traffic is not able to access another road from the event road) where only resident traffic will be affected.
The event must not:
- damage the road surface
- disrupt local residents with music or other noise
- be on a road which needs to be used to access shops or other businesses
- be on a road which provides access to a public car park (other than a residents only car park)
- involve any commercial activity within the road closure area.
You must make sure:
- all rubbish is cleared up
- signs are clearly visible to all road users
- access is still possible by emergency service vehicles
- disabled drivers can still access disabled parking bays.
Applications to close a road for VE Day celebrations have closed. However, you can still apply up until 27 June to close a road for VJ Day celebrations.