Kent Lane Rental Highway Innovation Fund

The Kent Lane Rental Scheme charges companies a daily rate to work on specific roads during busy periods in Kent.

The revenue funds the running costs of the scheme with any extra revenue going into the Kent Lane Rental Highway Innovation Fund for projects that fulfil the objectives of the scheme. These include:

  • transportation – managing and monitoring traffic and works to avoid disruption
  • enabling infrastructure – promoting and providing facilities for future maintenance, access and improvement
  • industry practices, research and development – operational practices, materials and news ways of working for the control, planning and execution of works.

Read the Governance of the Kent Lane Rental Fund (PDF, 303.0 KB) and the terms and conditions of the Kent Lane Rental Fund (PDF, 87.8 KB) for more information.

Application criteria

Consider the following criteria when completing your application which are used in the decision process:


  • Health and safety – the effect on improving health and safety, both for the workforce and the public.
  • Method of research – demonstrate how the research will be applied to the innovation. Set out the approach methodology to how the project will be developed.
  • Wider benefit for all stakeholders – the effect on highways and roadworks on a wider scale.


  • Reduction and delay of traffic – how it will reduce traffic congestion on the road network. Directly or indirect quantifiable benefits should be stated.
  • Cost savings – will the project deliver efficiencies by reducing costs? Savings should be quantified, explain how it will be achieved and over what time period.
  • Improved work practices – highlight any benefits that could apply to some or all stakeholders.


  • Match funding – detail any extra funding already being sourced and this fund could then be matched to this.
  • Timescale – the length of the proposed project and if it will need closely monitoring.
  • Scalability – can it apply on a larger scale across all stakeholders and how quickly can it apply to other sectors?

Email if you require further information or wish to express your interest for the fund.

Before you apply

Before submitting your application form you must contact a board sponsor. If you do not have a board sponsor email for further assistance.

Supporting documents can be attached to the online application form, however the main decision from the board members will be based on the information submitted in the application form.

It is not necessary for applicants to attend board meetings; bids should be comprehensive enough for sponsors to present your bids to the board. If the sponsor feels the bid would be better presented to the board by the applicant a time slot will be allocated.

Applications will not be accepted if:

  • a member of the board has not been made aware of your bid
  • you do not apply online.

All applications must be submitted at least 1 month before the next board meeting to be considered. After this date they will not be reviewed until the following board meeting.


Apply now

The application can be saved at any time and a link will be sent to the email address supplied so that you can retrieve the application.

After you apply

Key decisions are made by a governance board made up of industry representatives. The board meets quarterly to discuss applications to the fund and individual board members act as sponsors for applications.

Board members

  • Kent County Council (permit authority): Alison Hews/Neil Edwards
  • Deputy: Tim Middleton
  • Kent County Council (promoter): Pauline Harmer
  • Deputy: Richard Emmett
  • Communications: Ricky Burnett (Openreach)
  • Deputy: Paul Hughes (Virgin Media)
  • Electricity: Paul Dooley (UK Power Network)
  • Deputy: Anis Dandy (UK Power Network)
  • Gas: Oliver Machan (Scottish Gas Network)
  • Deputy: Richard Jeffries (Scottish Gas Network)
  • Water: Roy Clarke (Southern Water)
  • Deputy: Trudi McLeod (South East Water)

The board will consider the following when making a decision:

  • the expected outcomes of the initiative(s) and their relevance to the Kent Lane Rental Highway Innovation Fund objectives
  • current research and projects, including opportunities for collaboration
  • cost-effectiveness of the proposal.

After the decision process, we will contact you to let you know if it has been approved.