Dover parklets
We are installing parklets at 5 locations in Dover.
Parklets provide space for people to sit, relax and enjoy the environment around them. They can improve the look of the area and can bring economic benefit to local businesses.

Why we're making changes
We hope that installing parklets will:
- help to reduce congestion
- support economic growth
- improve the accessibility and experience for residents and visitors travelling within the town.
By providing better facilities for walking and cycling, this can lead to a modal shift towards types of active travel. With less people using their cars for short local journeys, residents and visitors will experience better air quality and the flow of traffic throughout the town will be improved.
Research shows that improved environments for walking (and other modes of active travel) can significantly increase footfall and profit for local businesses. It is our intention that the Dover parklets will support the reopening of the high streets, while also improving how the area looks and having somewhere for people to rest or park their bike whilst shopping.
The Dover parklets are the first of their kind in Kent. They support our objectives of reducing carbon emissions and will have a positive impact on the environment. We use sustainably sourced, recycled materials wherever possible. For example, the parklet seating has been created using recycled UK ocean plastic and the plants have been chosen to support pollinators.
What will change
We plan to install 5 parklets in the town of Dover.
A parklet:
- is an area the size of a parking space (approximately 5 metres x 2 metres)
- is intended to provide space for people to sit, relax and enjoy the environment around them
- will improve the look of the area by using a combination of varied seating options, plants and amenities including cycle parking.
We will provide 3 single parklets and 2 double parklets.
The work is due to start at the end of February 2021.
Parklet locations
The locations are:
Single parklets
- 28 to 30 Biggin Street (5 metres x 2 metres)
- 49 to 51 High Street (5 metres x 2 metres).
Double parklets
- 38 to 42 Castle Street (10 metres x 2 metres)
- 68 to 70 Biggin Street (5 metres x 4 metres).
The location of the 5th parklet and the Castle Street parklet are currently under review.
Contact us
We welcome your comments and would love to hear about your experience of using the parklets. Please let us know by email at
Funded by
This scheme has been funded by the South East Local Enterprise Partnership and the Kent Lane Rental Highway Innovation Fund.