A249 Bearsted Road improvement scheme

The proposed scheme aims to accommodate increased traffic volume by signalising the A249 Bearsted Road roundabout and enlarging the New Cut Road roundabout, whilst widening between the two. Additional smart technology will help ease congestion and improve traffic flow.

Why we're making changes

Traffic capacity modelling carried out in support of the planning application indicates that there is too much traffic on the current highway, with this forecast to worsen towards the end of the horizon assessment year (2031), as substantial commercial development associated with the Kent Medical Campus and significant housing sites to the south of Maidstone are delivered.

Additionally Highways England improvements scheduled for M2 Junction 5 under the Road Investment Strategy are likely to lead to further congestion at the M20 Junction 7 and A249 Bearsted Road.

The scheme objectives are to:

  • alleviate congestion not only in the short-term but considering the anticipated increase in the traffic over the coming years
  • improve journey time reliability in the morning and afternoon peak periods
  • reduce noise and air pollution by decreasing congestion and limiting stationary traffic.

What will change

The proposed scheme aims to increase junction capacity by signalising the A249 Bearsted Road roundabout and enlarging the New Cut Road roundabout.

The scheme will:

  • upgrade 2 junctions on the A249 Bearsted Road and New Cut Road
  • widen the road between the 2 junctions
  • accommodate increased traffic volumes
  • support local development
  • ease congestion
  • improve traffic flow and journey time reliability.


The project is paused whilst we find a new contractor for the construction. All dates below are subject to change.

  • Outline design: completed
  • Detailed design: completed
  • Enabling works: completed
  • Project begins: spring/summer 2025
  • Project completion: summer 2026.

Email bearstedroad.majorproject@kent.gov.uk to contact us or for further information about this scheme.

Follow us on X (Twitter).

Scheme documents

Scheme costs

The A249 Bearsted Road scheme is a £11.4 million project. The scheme is funded through £1.5 million developer contributions, £500,000 Maidstone Borough Council Contribution and £9.4 million from the National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF).

Planning updates

Planning permission has been granted for the drainage outfall within the crematorium. Read the report on Maidstone Borough Council's website.

Planning permission has been granted for the HGV access and loading/unloading area within Newnham Court Shopping Village. Read the planning application for more information.

Media release

1 August 2024 - An update on the A249 Bearsted Road Improvement scheme