A28 Chart Road improvement scheme
This scheme will see the existing stretch of the A28 Chart Road between the 'Tank' and 'Matalan' roundabouts widened into 2 lanes each way.
The project is currently postponed.
It is predicted to restart in spring 2025 when the developer of Chilmington reaches their planning obligation to provide funding to the project, once 400 homes have been occupied.
Why we're making changes
The A28 is the main route serving the south and west side of Ashford. Improvements have already been made from the A28 'Tank' roundabout up to and including its connection with the M20 at Junction 9.
Southwards from the 'Tank' roundabout over the railway to the 'Matalan' roundabout the A28 is a single carriageway that has poor alignment over the railway and has regular congestion and unreliable journey times.
The scheme objectives are:
- to provide improved capacity and safety
- to relieve congestion and give improved and reliable journey times
- to support local growth and developments including Chilmington Green.
What we're doing
This scheme is an improvement of the existing road.
The scheme includes:
- changing the A28 into 2 lanes each way between the 'Tank' and 'Matalan' roundabouts
- improvement of the 'Tank' roundabout, 'Matalan' roundabout, Loudon Way junction and other intermediate side roads/accesses
- using the existing railway bridge for the northbound carriageway with construction of a new railway bridge for the southbound carriageway
- extensive landscaping proposals
- traffic noise screening for residents
- continuous shared footway and cycleways on both sides of the road
- additional controlled crossings, for pedestrians and cyclists, at Loudon Way/Chart Road junction and Chart Road north of Matalan roundabout.
Email chartroadmajorproject@kent.gov.uk to give feedback about this scheme.
Scheme documents
- A28 Chart Road scheme additional information (PDF, 199.2 KB)
- A28 Chart Road scheme plan (PDF, 1.6 MB)
- A28 Chart Road scheme sketch viewpoints (PDF, 173.4 KB)
- A28 Chart Road scheme Section A-A1 – section through Chart Road south of Loudon Way (PDF, 104.1 KB)
- A28 Chart Road scheme Section B-B1 – section through Chart Road north of Loudon Way (PDF, 90.1 KB)
- A28 Chart Road scheme landscape plan (JPG, 3.6 MB)
Scheme funding
The £26.2m project has been secured by Kent County Council, with funding sources including £2.892 million from the Local Growth Fund obtained from the South East Local Enterprise Partnership, and £16m match funding.
Formal decision
The approval to progress the A28 Chart Road improvement scheme was taken by Kent County Council on 7 September 2016. The decision by the SELEP Accountability Board to grant Local Growth Funding for the A28 Chart Road Improvement scheme was made on the 12 September 2016.
A project update was considered by the SELEP Accountability Board in line with the requirements for all high risk projects to be considered by the board before the end of June 2019.
Funded by
The government Growth Deal provides money to the South East Local Enterprise Partnership, funding projects which drive Kent’s economic and business growth.